Residential cottage house with courtyard

Limited new client spots - Call now!

(479) 879-3690

Hi, I'm Lon Vining, owner of ​ ​Handyman Services

We are a Top Choice for all of your Home Maintenance, ​Home Repair & Home Enhancement Handyman Needs!

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There's a reason

MYWORKPRO.CO ​Handyman Service is

in demand in

Northwest Arkansas

After years of hearing from one person after another about ​their terrible experiences with handymen that either didn't ​show up when they said, treated them poorly, or simply did ​a bad job, I saw there was a real niche’ in the market for ​someone competent and dependable. I founded​ MYWORKPRO.CO as a solution to the problem.

Our philosophy and business practices are simple: ​We will show up when we say. We will perform the ​exact work that we promise, and for a fair price. And ​we will always be professional in how we act, dress, ​perform our work, and communicate with our clients.

What We Can Do For You...

Light Gradient Circle
Handyman fixing the oven

Home Improvement

Whether it is adding trim to a ​room, shutters to your windows, ​dimmers on your lights, or just ​new paint, we are here for all of ​your home enhancement needs.

Light Gradient Circle
Home Improvement - Handyman Drilling Wood

Home Repairs

From doors to windows & ​everything in between, we are ​able to professionally fix and ​repair all of the common ​problems around your home.

Light Gradient Circle
Handyman inspecting pipes

Home Maintenance

We take care of your ​maintenance issues that are ​important to stay on top of: ​changing A/C filters, replacing ​light bulbs, fixing leaky toilets

Why Us?

Modern Vaporwave DJ Set
Friendly Icon

Peace Of


Rest easy knowing that you ​have a caring professional on ​your project & in your home.

Modern Vaporwave DJ Set
Thumbs Up Icon

Trusted & Experienced

You can be confident that your job is going to be done the right way, every time.

Modern Vaporwave DJ Set
Winner Outline Icon

Excellence Guaranteed

We will always show up, do ​amazing work, and always be ​friendly & professional.

My Promise To You

I promise to provide you with the best ​experience you have ever received from a ​service provider - period. Your business ​means the world to me and I will do whatever ​it takes to provide you with amazing work ​that you love.

Lon Vining, ​Owner

For fastest service - please call or text my ​mobile number NOW!

Or, for a slightly slower response, you can ​shoot me an email at...

* I respond to all calls, texts, & emails within 24 hours

Speech Bubble Illustration

...I’m looking ​forward to talking ​with you soon!!

Speech Bubble Illustration

...When you make ​your own website, ​you can use corny ​things like these ​speech balloons!

Copyright MYWORKPRO.CO Handyman | 479-879-3690 | Serving Northwest Arkansas